Our Vision


As a trusted realtor in Rancho Santa Margarita, we are dedicated to making sure you are informed on some of the most important topics that can impact you and your family



- Fire Insurance Seminar

- Estate Planning Workshop

- Capital Gains Seminar

- Moving Out of State 

- Your Home & Taxes

- & MORE!


We are passionate about this one because no better way to create a strong community than by coming together with some fun local events in Rancho Santa Margarita.


- Food trucks & Fun
- Live Music
- Santa at the Park
- Pet Appreciation Day
- Pickleball Tournaments

- End of Summer Ice Cream Party


We are more than just local realtors.  We are committed to bringing our community together and providing a platform to give back.  This is a vision to help others during diffucult times and support causes that are bigger than us. 



- Thanksgiving Food Drive

- Christmas Toy Drive

- Golf Tournament fundraisers

- Building Homes for the Homeless




Upcoming events


The Truth on Housing: What Every Homeowner Should Know for 2025's Housing Market...

Join us virtually as we take a revealing look into Orange County's 2025 housing market forecast, where we will cut through the media's misleading headlines to get to the truth that is supported by data and leading economic information. 

The Burning Issue: Navigating the Current State of Homeowners Insurance

Discover a plan that will give you peace of mind with your financial future, because if you don’t have a plan, California has one for you. So ensure the plan you have is done properly or get one started the right way. 


DATE: Wednesday, March 27th

TIME: 6pm-7pm

WHERE: RSM City Hall (22112 El Paseo)

Springtime Snapshots: Free Professional Photo Sessions

Enjoy a complimentary photo session with a local professional photographer with the beautiful RSM green landscape as your background. 


DATE: Sunday, April 13th

TIME: 2:30pm-7:00pm

WHERE: The Bridge Church (Trail behind chruch)

17th Annual RSM Garage Sale

The Babcock Team has been hosting this event for 16 years and it has become a true staple to the RSM community.  With hundreds of shoppers guaranteed through strategic online advertising, we work our best to make this a great success each year for our neighbors.


DATE: Saturday, June 21st

TIME: 7am-12pm

LOCATION: Neighborhoods surrounding Arroyo Vista

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